Patience isknowing how to wait for things to happen naturally, without forcing them, without pressure, and on many occasions without looking for them. Every day the sun rises, for this we have nothing to do, except enjoy every moment of everything we do and, we hope that the things we want and have projected in our lives will happen, we will enjoy the rest of the things that we already order.
To cultivate patience, it is necessary to slow down, focus on the present moment and live it consciously. Maintaining the security and tranquility that there will be a future. We must always look for a way to increase patience, Zen is the way for that mental purpose.
Patience allows us to live life from patient activity. We get going, we continue to move forward and accompany life, we must adjust to the moment and the rhythm of it. It is about not pretending that it is otherwise, but knowing how to wait and stay calm, so that things happen when they have to happen.
Wata Shi is the human being Ki is the energy
AIKI es the union of the energy KIAI is to use energy in doing so
KIME is multiply of power KIHON is how union of power
HENG-O multiply of mental power HARA our energy center
24 meditations zen
Two (2) Training per week total 24 meditations zen and breathing ki